Snake: Making The Game

Snake as I know it, is a game where the player controls a snake that is always in motion in a given direction where the goal is to eat…

6 minute read

Sudoku: DLX (Dancing Links)

In computer science, dancing links is a technique for reverting the operation of deleting a node from a circular doubly linked list. This…

15 minute read

Sudoku: Algorithm X

Algorithm X is a recursive, nondeterministic, depth-first, backtracking algorithm that Donald Knuth (the creator) referred to as "the most…

10 minute read

Sudoku: Exact Cover Matrix

In computer science, the exact cover problem is a decision problem to determine if an exact cover exists, and Donald Knuth's Algorithm X is…

9 minute read

Sudoku: Greedy Search (Binary Heap)

If you've tried out Depth (DFS) and Breadth First Search (BFS) on the app, you'd have noticed that they both always start from the top left…

8 minute read

Sudoku: Depth and Breadth First Search

The simplest way to solve a Sudoku puzzle would be to simply search for the answer one cell at a time. The two most basic methods of search…

6 minute read

Sudoku: Making The Game

A Sudoku puzzle is typically played on a 9x9 grid, where each cell can be filled with digits 1 to 9. It starts off with some parts of the…

7 minute read